Nihon Kobudo Aragón organiza un stage de Kempo con Jeff Speakman el 10 de Abril en el Polideportivo San Agustín en Zaragoza.
Sin duda alguna será un gran curso y una oportunidad única de trabajar con un maestro de su nivel.
Lives and Travels of a Stone Age Aikidoka, here, there and everywhere. Working around the world...
In my (little) free time, I enjoy spending time with my little family, reading all kind of literature and chatting with friends in front of a coffee. Also traveling and knowing other people's cultures is a big interest of mine. After working for five years as a Project/Site Manager in Pulp & Paper companies, and playing with IT for a big while, I'm moving to manage a startup in Gas Technologies... Read More
Nihon Kobudo Aragón organiza un stage de Kempo con Jeff Speakman el 10 de Abril en el Polideportivo San Agustín en Zaragoza.
Sin duda alguna será un gran curso y una oportunidad única de trabajar con un maestro de su nivel.
Standard Disclaimer: All opinions you can find here, are mine and only mine. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of any of the groups I'm a member of. Actually they are likely to be somehow controversial, for that's my very own nature. Blame them on me.
Flintstone's Cave by Alejandro Villanueva is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 3.0 España License. Based on a work at