Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Got pwned by boxer

A vueltas con el tema acostumbrado por aikidokas inseguros y/o inexpertos, una nueva discusión en Aikiweb en la que el iniciador del hilo plantea sus dudas sobre la efectividad del Aikido tras haber sido zurrado por su amigo boxeador...

Afortunadamente, la voz voz de la experiencia se hace notar como en el siguiente post de Kevin Leavitt:

"Aikido" will work with whatever attack is presented. (I actually hate to say "aikido will work" as it really doesn't DO anything as people do and aikido is only a methodology)

Anyway, it does "work" in the sense that if we are skilled at what we do we learn to recognize effective attacks and ineffective ones.

A big part of the study of aikido is learning the concept of Mushin and Ma'ai.

Ma'ai is the timing/space/distance in the situation. WIth the right amount of experience it is hoped that we can appropriately move and respond to attacks that are presented.

What I see alot, (and did, and still do!) is that we want so bad to "do aikido" that we reach out, grab, pull, push, and any number of things. Everything but affect the core, center of the person while most likely upsetting our own. You see this alot in beginners for sure!

The instructor showed them how to do a technique, now they will do it...it becomes something that our perceptions tells us we must DO, vice walking the fine line between doing, guiding, suggestion, leading or whatever languaging you want to call it.

Yes, in a sense it requires a committed attack. It does not have to be over comitted, which I think is the perception alot in aikido.

UFC style punches are VERY comitted. It is just that the guy throwing it has enough skill to comitt just enough resources necessary to do what he wants to do. Sucks to be you if you don't have an appropriate response!

Same concepts apply, it is just that your window is very narrow for being able to do much. Hence why we slow down greatly in aikido to allow for practice to happen.

Unfortunately it gets all screwed up when someone studying at that speed for months (or even years) suddenly decides to take the training paradigm he/she adopted and go full on with someone that has never studied aikido and/or does not really care that you have!

The speed/timing/distance is all messed up and you simply probably have not developed ways to appropriately deal with it.

Clinching is about as aiki as anything you do. It is irimi nage just applied at a different range. Clinching can be strong or it can be leading, guiding, blending as well.

Clinching is necessary, as you now, cause space is taking away from you and it is a protective position/posture.

Anyway, for some reason, we ignore this concept in aikido, not sure why it seems to be a bad word...probably because people equate it with fighting or MMA.

Anyway, I am saying this not to promote clinching, but only to point out that it is a response that simply accounts for the level of speed, timing, distance, and comittment of uke. Once you achieve it, you can off balance (irimi) and then throw, takedown, or strike uke as the case may be.

It does not requrie your opponent to be OVER Committed. He can stay on his center while you take his center.

It is also within the parameters of aikido to disengage and simply avoid or back up as well hoping that your opponent will indeed over committ. I do this especially with inexperienced fighters...it is a better strategy alot of times other than clinching.

Anyway, there are two extremes...close in (engaging) and far way (disengaging). Both are good and within our parameters and abilities. Both do not require us to respond in a disconnected way and "catch" punches, nikkyos, or sankyos.

I have converted a few boxers over to BJJ. I do it by clinching they hate it, they stay there waiting for the ref to break up, so they don't know how to get out of it. AND they can't hit you well that close. I ride them down, knee on them and strike and disengage....rinse, wash, repeat!

Hopefully I never get caught cold with a punch!